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The plan was to have a restful Friday. Our ministry day had been canceled due to the incoming storm and it was predicated to be safer up higher on the mountain. We planed to sleep in, have breakfast and then head up to the dinning hall for squad worship and team time. However, our morning did not go to plan. Our morning was like nothing I had ever experienced, yet God showed up in such a powerful way.

Just after 8:00 we were woken up by our host telling us to move up to the dinning hall earlier than planned. With the storm coming in, getting worse than expected, he wanted us all in one area and in a bigger building. We all got up, got dressed and grabbed some things to bring with us. We then ran through the rain up to the dinning hall. The power was out but so was breakfast! We ate lucky charms and honey nut cheerios and watched the storm from the window. Some people joked that this was “nothing compared to tornados back home” and how “water can’t hurt us” – which are obviously not quite as funny now!

While we were watching the rain come down, one of my friends reminded me of all the rainbows we had seen in the last week and a half. And the more I think about it the more I see God in it. I have seen 6 rainbows in the last week and a half before the storm. God was making a promise to us, He is a good and faithful God. He protected than, He protects now and He will protect forever.

We all sat down together and the leader gave us the plan for the rest of the day (that obviously didn’t happen either, but that’s ok). We then prayed over the storm and everyone who was affected by it and especially over those who were worried for their families durning the storm. We were then told to stay in the main room, which included the uno room, because the side room had started to flood. So we headed back to play uno and, unfortunately for me, we picked up where we left off.

10 mins after our little meeting, one of my squad mates, who was sitting beside me playing uno, yelled and pointed out the window next to me. I looked and saw a wave of water and landslide pass by window and heard it crash into the room next to us – the side room that not even 10 mins ago we were told to get out of! How amazing is God’s timing! The landslide also took out the bathrooms, you cannot convince me that this was just lucky or by chance! No, God saved our lives so evidently and I will continue to praise Him for that!!

We ran out of the uno room into the main room, already filling with water. Water, mud, branches, rocks and all other kinds of debris come flooding into the room. We got out and ran through the mud away from the partially collapsed building to higher ground. Some people grabbed bags in the chaos, I had my phone and uno cards in my hands and didn’t think of anything else – but don’t worry I saved the uno cards (now I’m not laughing at my friend for bringing waterproof cards). My friend however did see my water bottle floating by and picked it up for me!

The next hour and a half was a little chaotic to say the least. 3 of our host quickly found us and brought peace and wisdom. We weren’t sure where to go, to road was gone so we couldn’t get out. We stayed by the van and tried to remain calm and warm. The uncertainty of the situation was terrifying. The only thing we could do was pray. We prayed for the trees to stay rooted, we prayed for our leaders broken ankle, we prayed for a way to get out, we prayed that God would protect us. And He did!

I am amazed that despite the chaos and the fear that could’ve taken over, our squad remained in God. We comforted and prayed over each other and even sang worship songs in the pouring rain. We sang Firm Foundation by Maverick City which reminded me of how yes wind and rain are scary, but my foundation is in Christ alone. Some of us also laughed as we sang the chorus to Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli.

Around 11:30, our hosts had set up a rope across the river the landslide had caused. We went down in groups and 2 by 2 we carefully made our way across. I am so thankful for everyone who helped us cross safety. Our hosts and squad mates who stepped up and guided us across the river, and encouraging us on, together as a squad we all got across. Most of us were barefoot, but only by God’s protection did no one cut their foot on the glass that I’m sure was floating in that river.

Thanks Emilee for crossing the river with me, and happy birthday! Sorry it got a little muddy

We made it to the other side where a bus from Black Mountain group home was waiting. We all piled in and finally got out of there. We arrive to the community centre around 12:00. We had spent the day before doing a deep clean of the building, so it was ready for us to come in all muddy!

I am so beyond grateful to the Black Mountain group home staff who greeted us with warm clothes from their thrift store, food and sleeping bags. Our squad was still in shock of everything that had happened but we were so grateful to be safe. We called home, cleaned up and spent the rest of the day recovering by watching movies and playing some basketball and volleyball in the gym.

It was hard to try to process everything, but I am so grateful for my squad, everyone at Black Mountain and especially my amazing leaders! Adventures in Missions sent a relief team as soon as they heard what happened. It was nearly impossible to get to the group home after the hurricane, but miraculously they did. All the roads were blocked, but God literally swung open the prison gates for them to drive through and get to us!

Finally around 10:00pm, we were led to move from the group home to a Holiday Inn hotel. They wanted to get us to a more central area that was more accessible to help and to eventually get us home, and God provided! We met the amazing hotel owner and others, who were welcoming and such a blessing to our squad! Some people literally gave us the shoes off their feet! God is so good, that even in times of crisis, people still showing love to strangers!

We spent the night in a big banquet hall all together and the next morning we woke up to another miracle. One of my squad mate’s dad and 2 of his friend from Tennessee drove a truck and 2 vans 8 hours through the night to drive us home! We had no idea how we were going to get home as our van were still stuck at the cabin, yet God once again provided!

We made it back to the base in Georgia around 12:30 the next day, what a miracle! The fact that God continued to provide a way out amazes me. I am in awe of Him and everything He has done for us! We were welcomed back by AIM staff who again provided us with clothes, food and comfort.

We sorted through our big packs that we had to leave behind for the trip, and I realized again how amazing God is! Originally I had been upset we could only bring our day packs and it was too small to fit everything I wanted to bring, but now I am so grateful that God protected so much of my stuff.

There is no doubt in my mind that God is protecting my squad and has great plans for us! Not even a landslide could take us out! He continued to meet our need over and over again. He heard our cries and He was with us! I am so thankful to be loved by such an amazing God!

Another miracle story is how God saved my passport!! My passport was left in my day pack on the floor of my cabin. I called my parents thinking it was gone forever. My dad called the Canadian embassy and made a plan to get a new one. I was worried about replacing it in time for Guatemala. But then some members of the AIM relief team came back after going into our cabin with some of our stuff. I was hopeful that I would recover other items, but knowing my bag and passport were left of the floor, I thought there was no chance it wasn’t covered in mud. But God in His miracle working ways saved my passport! No mud, no water, as good as new!! And even better than that, those people who did not recover their passport, all went in today and we just heard that they would all receive a new passport today!! K-Squad is going to Guatemala!!!!

Thank you to everyone who donated to AIM relief efforts, the fundraiser met our goal of $30,000 in less than 48 hours! Thank you to everyone who prayed for our safety and sent encouraging messages, our squad felt so loved in a time of need. And thank you to everyone who made it through this very long blog!

Please continue to pray for our squad as we recover physically, by replacing things we lost, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am so thankful for last night, our squad had a worship night which we turned it into a night of prayer; praying for each other and ending with a time of pure, joyful worship and dancing! K-Squad went through a hurricane, but we are still a squad of joy and I am forever grateful for the joy God brings over our squad!

Please also continue to pray for the Black Mountain and Asheville community, along with everyone affected so deeply by the hurricane. For those who lost loved ones and homes, may their hearts be turned to God for comfort and peace.

Finally, please pray as our squad prepares to travel to Guatemala on October 7th. May we be so filled with the Holy Spirit and the joy of Jesus. May we look back at this tragedy without trauma but remembering how God showed up and protected us and use it as a testimony to how great He is!