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This week was our debrief week where we focus on everything God has done in Guatemala. We said goodbye to the base we have been staying at and spent the week in a hostel in Antigua. It has been so nice being right in Antigua and being able to explore the city even more. Our week has been filled with debrief sessions, teachings and reflection time. It is amazing looking back at my time in Guatemala, God has done so much and I am so grateful for everything I have been able to experience.

On Monday, to start our week of debrief we had a time of silence and solitude, where we spent 2 hours alone with the Lord. No music, no agenda, just me and the Lord. It was so sweet to hear His voice and feel Him open my eyes to even more of Him.

One of my favourite moments of debrief was our squad testimony night. It was amazing to share all God has done in and through my team and hear powerful testimonies from other teams. My squad has truly witnessed God do so many miracles, blind eyes were opened, a man miraculously woke up from a coma, sobriety was restored, kids evangelizing to their parents and so so much more! From the little things that others may see as a coincidence to the big healings, God was working in Guatemala! And even with everything He has already done, I believe this is only the beginning of what God has in store for our squad. We have so much more to see and learn and I am already in so much awe of Him and His goodness.

Debrief was a great week, including a trip to the lake, rest, exploring Antigua, and many ice cream trips! Currently, I am writing this in the Miami airport after a 3 hour flight, getting ready for a 13.5 hour flight. Please pray for our squad durning this travel day, which will be over 50 hours! Thank you all for your support and prayers, I’m excited to update you all in South Africa!!

Also so sorry, in my last blog I forgot to add the link to the sponsorship opportunity, so here it is!