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These last couple weeks in South Africa have been filled with so many amazing moments; moments in ministry serving others, moments with my team and moments alone with God learning even more about His Goodness. And I’m so thankful for everything. These last couple weeks God has been teaching me about how vast His Goodness is, how I will never been able to comprehend how good He is and how much He truly loves me. I just get to sit in awe of Him.

We finished our time in LIV village, and it was amazing. I absolutely loved getting to play basketball, make crafts, run around and worship with these amazing kids. I got to play sponge tag, play a wise man in a skit, teach kids songs from Compass Camps, lead a bible study, and “let” kids win in basketball. This week was filled with so much joy and laughter.

We are now in Kloof staying at our ministry host’s beautiful home. It is amazing and such a blessing to stay here. In South Africa, our teams have become so close and we have truly become like family, and it feels even more so now, staying in this beautiful home. Ministry has been amazing this week! It’s looked very different this week because schools are still closed due to the summer break (next week I believe we will be doing some kind of ministry in the school). We have done a lot of evangelizing and had so many opportunities to pray over people. We have gone to many retirement homes this week to talk with and share testimony’s . It’s been amazing to be able to sit and listen to how God is working in other’s lives and also share how He has been working in my own life. We have also gone out into different neighborhoods to share the gospel and pray for people. With ministry being so different, God’s taught me a lot about being intentional and interruptible. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in His way and not worrying so much about my schedule or my timing. Ministry can look like anything, from having a bible study at a cafe in the mall to sharing Jesus to my Uber driver, ministry is simply being obedient to the Lord. I still get anxious to go up and talk to strangers in the mall and share the gospel, but God has shown me how much He loves His children and by praying for the heart of the Father, I have discovered a new sense of love for God’s children.

He is so so good. He is always showing those who seek new revelation. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me in prayer! I am still 8% away from being fully fundraised, here is my link if you would like to donate! Thank you so much, every little bit helps and I am so grateful! I pray you will experience new revelation from the Lord this week of how truly good He is!!