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“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1. This week I have experience the love of the Father to a whole new level! He really does love us! We are children and He adores us and we are designed to adore Him!

This week we have been talking so much about how God designed the world. One of our teachers explained it with the analogy of a car engine. In a car there is a place to put the coolant and a place to put the oil. You may own the car but that doesn’t mean you can switch where you put the coolant and the oil. The car was designed that way, and if you decide to do it your own way it will blow up in your face. God gave us the gift of life, but He created us to live it a certain way and when we align ourselves with His design, we live life to the fullest! And like any good Creator, He tells us how we were designed to live. We were designed to worship God (Isaiah 43:21), we are designed to have relationship with Him (John 15:5) and when we do, we live life to the fullest of God’s design and let me tell you, it’s amazing!

On Thursday my squad hiked up mount. Yonah. It was hard but very rewarding. Squad bonding and the view made it worth it! God is so good, we were blessed with such amazing weather and I am so grateful we were able to spend the night on the mountain surround by God’s creation. The sun, the trees, the stars, all designed to worship God. The God who made it all said I am wonderfully made in His image! How amazing is that? We spent the night watching the sunset, eating hot dogs by the fire, and lying under the stars. What a beautiful life I get to live!

And if that doesn’t prove God’s love enough, the day before God painted a rainbow in the sky for us! We saw a small part of a rainbow that was so very vibrant while eating dinner. We ran out and were in awe of how great He is! After a bit we left to finish our dinner, but only minutes later someone called us back out, we ran out again and this time the rainbow was fully stretched across the sky, and not only one, it was a BEAUTIFUL double rainbow!! How awesome is God?

First rainbow

Meet Team Rivers

Isabella, Hannah, Ella, Emily (Our amazing leader!), Aaliyah, Rose

Each team here gets to choose a name for themselves that represents the team. Our name is team rivers! We decided on rivers because we want to be a team marked by peace but also boldness. A river is calm and steady yet it also has rapids and is strong. We want to be a team that brings peace but are also strong in the truth we carry. And like a river, we want to run to Jesus, through all the rocks and hardship, we will run to Jesus!

We have officially finished training camp this week! This Monday we will be heading to Black Mountain, North Carolina for domestic ministry. We will be partnering with a collage and serving with local ministries, and staying in cabins!! After 3 weeks of living in a tent I am so excited to have a real bed! After a week of domestic ministry we will be coming back to Georgia for a week of debrief before heading to Guatemala on October 7th.

Please continue to pray for me and my squad, as we head to domestic ministry, for health and strength to serve to the best of our abilities, and that we would continue to be in awe of God every single day!

Thank you everyone for reading (sorry this one was so long!), praying and supporting me! It means the world to me that I am able to go and have so many amazing people cheering me on! I am currently 90% fundraised and I am so grateful! If you are able, please consider praying about supporting me with the final 10%!

Thank you!