Update from Monday October 14th – Sunday 20th.
Another week in Guatemala! I can’t believe this is the life I get to live! I get to wake up in a community that seeks God and seeks to further His Kingdom, I get to go to a ministry and practically be the hands and feet of Jesus, and best of all, I get to see God’s kindness every single day! It’s a blessing to be here and I am so thankful for all the moments, the good and the hard.
This week was our first week of ministry, and it’s been so amazing! Every day I wake up early to spend time in God’s Word before breakfast. We are blessed with an amazing breakfast every morning, my personal favourite is french toast and eggs, and a classic Guatemala breakfast of beans and eggs. My team then gets in the van with the AIM staff driver by 8:00 and drives about an hour and a half to Hope Ministries.
Monday: We had the morning off from ministry, so my team used that time to worship and pray as a team over Hope Ministry. We headed to ministry after lunch. The kids from the community arrived around 1:30 and we spent the day playing with them and helping with their English class. The kids are so sweet and it brought me so much joy when they would run up to us for a hug or wanting to play soccer. It’s hard to communicate with my lack of Spanish but I have managed to get a couple saying, unfortunately I don’t think I’m saying them right (based on how much I get laughed at).
Tuesday: My team got to do house visits in the morning. Our ministry has been connecting and visiting with many houses in the community for many years. They build relationships and support the families of the kids that are apart of their program. It is both amazing and hard to go out into the community and be welcomed into people’s homes. It is amazing because the culture here is so beautifully different and I felt welcomed every time I entered a home. It was hard because so many families are struggling and I wish there was more I could do. It’s hard to trust that God will use even the little I can do and that just being there, praying over them and giving them packaged soup is a blessing. That afternoon we did a VBS style program for the kids! It was so fun, we played games, sang songs, and had a devo time. The kids are so sweet and every day they warm up to us more and more, and every day we learn more and more of their names! It so sweet and I am so blessed to be apart of a ministry that so highly values relationships!
Wednesday: My team had another morning off so we decided to go into Parramos and do a bible study. Then after lunch, we heading to ministry. Wednesdays are different every week based on the needs of the ministry. This week we did more house visits and cleaned up the property. It is just so nice to be working the staff who are all so kind and amazing examples of being servants of Christ.
Thursday: Thursday’s are squad wide activation days. Like last week we had a teaching and then as a team went into Parramos for ATL (Ask The Lord). This week our teaching was on the steadfastness of God. Although we live in a roller coaster world controlled by our feelings, we serve a God that is constant. We may feel like God is being good to us or being hard on us, but at the end of the day He is always good and uses all our circumstances to refine us to look more like Jesus. God is so faithful to refine us, He doesn’t allow us to sit in our brokenness but is constantly growing us to produce the fruit He desires for us.
We then went out of our comfort zone and into Parramos to show Jesus’ love and His kind character. My group bought roses from a vendor and handed them out to people in the square saying “Jesus te ama” (Jesus loves you) and talking with them. It’s amazing how a small act of kindness leads to so many sweet conversations. We were able to pray over people and encourage them in the relationship with Jesus. We then headed to the same diner we went to last week. We got to see the same woman we saw last week and meet another lady there. We had a great conversation (with the help of google translate) about their family business and about what we were doing in Guatemala. I am already excited to go back and continues to get to know them!
Friday: Soccer day!! On Friday we arrived at ministry later than planned unfortunately because Guatemala driving is a little unpredictable, but we got there and joined right in with soccer practice with the older kids. Soccer drills are intense with lots of sprints and competition. Although I can’t say I’m great at soccer or understanding most of what’s going on, I love soccer practice! We then have a lunch break and like last time Ella, Rose and I decided to do the stairs with our host. It’s hard but so worth it, especially this week because we met a lady at the end of all the stairs and we’re able to pray over her and her child. It was a great reminder that even on our “break” God is still working. Ministry is every part of our life, not just durning the specific ministry times but every breath is a gift from God and is to be given back to Him, He is worthy!
Every day after ministry, we come home (after another long drive, good thing we love our amazing driver) just in time for an awesome dinner. Every day the dinner is so so good, I can’t even explain how good Guatemala food is! After dinner the rest of the night is spent with friends, working out, and having team time!
Saturday was spent walking around Antigua, calling home from a cafe, trying tacos with a mysterious meat (it was so good though, so I didn’t question it) and ended the day by having a movie night! Sunday is a day of rest and sabbath. I stayed on the base, spent time with friends colouring, made some PB&J for lunch and spent a lot of time writing this blog, so hope you enjoy!
I am so thankful for the amazing week God has blessed us with! Thank you to everyone back home supporting me, I hope you all had a great week as well! Please continue praying for my team and our ministry as we serve the community. Thank you!!