Praise God for another amazing week in South Africa!! This week we have seen healings, shared the gospel, spoken in school and seen people brought to salvation! God is doing so much here and I am so blessed to be apart of it. “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3
On Tuesday we walked around a neighbourhood knocking on doors, sharing the gospel, praying for people and giving away bibles. I met some amazing people who encouraged me in my faith and asked me to pray for the youth in the community. I also met so many people who had different beliefs than me and I was able to share what I believe and ask questions about their faith. It’s been such a blessing to have people question my faith because it leads me to further boldness of why I believe what I believe. Although many times we share the gospel and it can appear to change nothing, it’s planting seeds that will ultimately bear fruit for God’s glory. And I can say first hand the more I share the gospel the deeper my own faith grows!
On Wednesday and Friday we had the opportunity to go into high schools to share the gospel and talk to the students. We shared testimonies of how God was moving here in South Africa and how He has changed our lives. We got to answer questions and challenge them to step out more in their faith. We got to share the good news of Jesus Christ with students who have never fully heard it or understood what it really meant. We saw a number of students give their life to Christ and it so evidently reminded me of how powerful the gospel is. The gospel that I learned way back in Sunday school has the power to save everyone’s soul for all of eternity! I am so so thankful for all the salvations my team has witnessed here in South Africa.
Ministry has been so fruitful, and some of my favourite ministry moments have come from times when we aren’t directly doing ministry but actually just in an Uber or at a coffee shop and we get to share the gospel. Almost every single time I’ve been in an Uber, we have shared the gospel and challenged our driver to learn more about Jesus. Some people believe, some want no part in it, and some are so clearly lost and seeking a Saviour. We’ve witnessed an Uber driver give their life to Christ and how Jesus can change a person so quickly is amazing to witness. He was filled with so much joy and a passion to read the bible we gave him and tell others about what he had just discovered! The gospel is a gift we have been given to not only to receive but also to share with anyone and everyone.
Thank you to everyone supporting me and praying for my team and I. Please continue to be praying for our final week here in South Africa, we leave for Eswatini this coming Sunday, so please also pray for safe travels! And keep these amazing people who have recently given their life to Christ in your prayers as well as everyone who has heard the gospel this week, that they would encounter God and their hearts would turn towards Him.
Thank you!