Goodbye South Africa! This country has shown me more than I could ever imagine, God has given me a heart for the nations here. He’s shown me over and over again how amazing His love is and how powerful the gospel is. This Sunday we leave for Eswatini and I can’t wait, yet I’m so sad to leave this beautiful country! I’ve learned what a blessing it is to have this bittersweet feeling, the sadness of leaving and the excitement of something new! God has taught me so much and I know He’s not done. That’s the most beautiful thing about God, you will never fully understand everything He has for you, so each day is an opportunity to know more of Him!
This past week of ministry has involved going into a primary school and sharing the gospel with kids. They were so curious and asked so many questions (about everything and anything) and it was so fun to talk to them. Throughout our whole team 38 of these students accepted Jesus into their lives that day! God is working in the children of South Africa and it’s so so amazing to see!
We also got to serve at another 2 children’s home. We organized donations, books, school supplies and met so many amazing kids! The staff we’ve met are amazing people who have a heart and vision to change South Africa by providing homes for kids without. God’s hand is over these children and He will never forsake them.
Through all the ministry and community, South Africa has proven to be a time of growth and revelation in my faith. I am so incredibly grateful for this time in South Africa and everything I’ve learned, through the good and the hard I will trust the Lord. I love South Africa so so so much!!!
Thank you for all the prayers! Please be praying for our travel to Eswatini and all the new changes! Hope you all had a good week!