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My God is so good! He is beyond good! Even when I don’t feel it, even when I feel lonely, even when I have doubts, even when I miss home. God is good and He’s here with me. “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” (Psalm 103: 8)

This past Friday, we had the amazing opportunity to do street evangelism. We went out in small groups or pairs and talked to people, prayed for them and shared the gospel with anyone willing. It was amazing and a big step out of my comfort zone for me. But God gave me the boldness to do it and my squad came back with so many amazing testimonies! We meet many people who had a relationship with Jesus and got to pray over them, we also meet people who didn’t know who Jesus was and were able to plant seeds in their hearts, trusting and praying that God would continue to work. It can be very disheartening to see people in need of Jesus and yet be so defensive. It’s hard to leave, but I know that God loves them and wants their hearts changed even more than I do.

I love my simple life here. It’s hard, don’t get me wrong, there are definitely times where I just want to go home, have real clean clothes, my bed, a nice shower and of course see my family, friends and dog. But I love it here, even though it’s hard. I love seeing God in the little things. In creation that surrounds me and in the people I am blessed to go on this journey with. My God is a God of Abundance! He is a Provider. When I feel like I have nothing I remember that I actually have everything. I did a devotional about Jesus feeding the 5000 (Mark 6), a very familiar story, but for some reason it really hit my heart this time. The crowd saw Jesus and together they ran on foot to Him. They were unified by their need for Jesus, and they ran for Him, not worried about other things but solely focused on Jesus. And Jesus had compassion. We truly are sheep without a shepherd. The less I have the more I rely on God. I am so grateful for my squad, amazing people that I get to run to Jesus with, unified by our love and need for Him. But God has really shown me, all I need is God and nothing else. He gives me all I need, He is a God of Abundance!

This is our last week of official training, next Monday we leave for domestic ministry somewhere in the US (not sure where, somewhere in driving distance). After a week of ministry, we come back here for another week of debrief and preparing and then we will head to Guatemala on October 7th. Some squads have left to go overseas this past week! In some ways it’s hard to stay behind, in other ways I love being here and feel like God is really filling me up with His Spirit! I love it here! God is so good!

Some songs I love recently!

  • Rest on Us by Maverick City
  • Used to This by Elevation Worship
  • How He Loves by David Crowder Band
K squad family photo
My team!!
Squad Wars!
Post Squad War Dishes!
Movie Night (in a tiny tent, but I love it)
Successful Walmart trip!! (First time in a car for 2 weeks – it was very exciting)