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Sorry it’s been awhile since my last blog, so much has happened and I’ve enjoyed being so present, away from wifi and immersed in Swazi. God has been so good this last month, how He’s strengthened community, answered prayers and covered us in love. I’ve learned a whole new meaning of loving out of the Father’s overflowing love for us.

My squad has been serving at carepoints 4 days a week for the past 4 weeks. Playing games, singing songs, doing teachings, helping with their feeding program and simply just loving them. So many of these kids come from home that are so worried about providing the next meal that they aren’t focused on the love their kids need. The kids at our carepoints don’t always want to run around or play games, sometimes they just want to sit and hug you. They just long for love and we get to give them all our love, we get to show them Jesus’ love. His unfailing, never ending, perfect love.

Living in community this past month has been simply a gift from God. With little else to do, our squad has spent so much time in community together. From cooking and cleaning to worshiping and praying, we do everything together. We laugh, we cry, we sweat together. I am so thankful for my squad.

Then we had our PVT (Parent Vision Trip) week! Both my parents were able to come to Swazi and get a glimpse of what life is like here. I mean they got the glamorous version in a nice hostel with great food and fans, but sill a glimpse of Swazi and the mission field. I am so grateful they were able to come and serve at carepoints with me. They got to meet my friends who I’ve been living with and see the community we’ve built. 6 months without them has been hard so I’m so so happy they were able to come even if it was only for 5 short days!!

This past week was Awakening, which is when multiple squads cross over in the same country. We had 3 squads in Swazi so we spent 4 days together, worshiping, sharing testimonies and just focusing on God. It was so nice to feel so filled up by the Holy Spirit especially going into our last couple months. God did so much in this short time together and it was beautiful to come together as the body of Christ and worship Him.

Today (March 11th) we head to the airport for another travel day. And guess where I’m going? Not Indonesia!! Our squad is having a route change, for various reasons, and now heading to…. Malaysia!!! 3 of the teams will be heading to Indonesia but my team and one other team will be going to Malaysia!! I am so excited (not to be split from my squad) but for everything that I know God is going to do! He perfected placed us in Malaysia for such a reason, and even if I don’t know what that reason is, God does and I trust it will be good because He is a good God!

Thank you for reading and continuing to pray for me and my squad. I am so thankful for all your support. Please be praying for us especially as we head to a new country, that all the details would work out and God would bless our time there!