I love God! He’s just so good! He is so patient, so gracious, so wise, so trustworthy, so loving. This week has been so fruitful! This is starting to feel like normal life; but then I take a step back and think of how truly amazing life is and blessed I am. My ‘normal’ life is waking up in Guatemala, going to ministry, praying over people, playing soccer with smiling kids, and eating amazing food every single day!!
This week was filled with sweet house visits, playing with kids, and growing closer as a team. It’s impossible to pick my favourite moment of the week, but here are some:
On Tuesday, we met another American mission team that was partnering with Hope Ministries for the day. It was so sweet to get to know and work with them and hear all their stories. We did a bible story to start the morning in Romans 8. Our conversation was so nice; God was speaking to everyone in different ways and it was beautiful to see it all come together. Further proof that Jesus is first and knowing each other is second (at this point I hadn’t met anyone from the new team; didn’t know a single name, yet we connected through Jesus!)
On Thursday, we did our squad activation day. This week was all about knowing the voice of the Lord and obeying. My complete obedience to the Lord comes from trusting that He knows so much better than I do. I may not understand what He’s asking of me or don’t agree with it, but that’s where faith comes in. Faith in His Faithfulness. He has good plans; those plans may hurt my flesh and cause me earthly pain but it restores and refines my spirit to be more like Jesus.
One part of my week, that may be my absolute favourite is every morning spending time reading the Word. For so long, reading the bible daily has been such a discipline; I had to remind myself every day that my spirit needs this, it isn’t an option. But this week I have woken up excited to simply read the Word and learn more about God’s character. God is so good and I am so thankful that He has turned my discipline into a joy! Not every day is easy, and I fully expect mornings when I just don’t want to get up; but God has shown me how joyful it is to spend time with Him and I am so grateful for that!
Thank you for reading and supporting me! Fundraising update, I am 90% funded!! Please prayerfully consider supporting me for the last 10% with this link! Praying that you all had a great week!