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I’m so blessed to say I had another amazing week in Guatemala. I’ve been here for just over a month, yet I still get awe-struck that this is all real. Every morning I get to look out and see volcanos, thinking ‘wow God’s so amazing!’

This week the Lord has been showing me how amazing life in community is. I am so grateful for my team and how we have grown, individually and together, in the Lord. We are a team that simply loves God and has a heart to be obedient to His voice. God has designed us to live in community, it’s His creation and desire for us, and I’m so thankful for His kindness in that. Ministry this week has also been so sweet! Getting to know the kids and our hosts we serve with has been another example of life in God’s community that He so perfectly designed! Community isn’t always easy, but God is showing me more and more of His character through it and refining me to see people how He sees them, as His beautiful children!

One of my favourite moments from this week was Tuesday morning when we do a bible study with our ministry friends! This week the founder of Hope Ministries returned from serving in the Middle East. He is an amazing man of faith and his passion for the Lord is so evident. He shared with us his experience of friendship with the Lord and how God loves us and chooses us. How every day we have a chance to know Him even more, to just take one step closer every single day. Our bible study ended with us praying for our hosts and them praying over our team. Prayer is such a beautiful and powerful gift from God, how we can connect with Him in intimacy and to build up the community God has designed. “What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them in the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to Him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7)

My week has had so many joyful moments. Most of these include our driver Manuel. For some reason I have become the target to many of his pranks. The amount of times I’ve been jump scared is embarrassing and the amount of times I’ve walked around with one or no shoes trying to find where he hid them is also embarrassing. He is a guy with great humour, unfortunately I now have to wake up for my early mornings with caution wondering where he is hiding this time. But our conversations in our long van rides have been so fun, and everyone loves this guy, until he hides my backpack or phone and gets ‘mad’ because I’m making everyone late.

Hope you all had an amazing week, thank you for continuing to read this blog and supporting me. God is so good to have blessed with community here and back home!

Manuel hiding my shoes

Me wandering around confused with one shoe

Finally found my shoe, thanks Manuel